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Making a Will - What you need to consider

Our Private Client team can help tailor a Will specific to your needs

A Will would normally cover the following basic areas:

The appointment of Executors

Your Executors are responsible for administering your estate. You are entrusting them to ensure that your wishes are implemented.

They do not need any specific legal or business knowledge as the main bulk of the work associated with that administration and the legal and tax skills associated with it will be dealt with by the solicitors instructed by the Executors.

Executors are commonly members of your family, close friends or a Solicitor’s Trustee Company.

Specific legacies and bequests

You can provide for items of family or sentimental importance to be left to specific individuals or to leave them a financial legacy in the form of a specified sum in your Will.

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Distribution of the residue of your Estate

Your Will would provide how the main bulk of your estate would be divided amongst those who you would wish to inherit including provisions which would apply should they predecease you and provisions regarding the age at which they might become fully entitled to their share of inheritance.

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Nomination of Guardians

It is common for those with children to specifically nominate those that they would wish to look after their children should they die prematurely.

Funeral wishes

Your Will can also contain directions to your Executors as to the nature and form of your funeral.