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Holiday pay

What’s the story? In a nutshell, the issue is that the European Working Time Directive gives employees the right to holiday pay, but does not fully explain how that entitlement is to be calculated. The threat for employers at the moment is that, if it turns out they have been calculating holiday pay “incorrectly,”  they […]

Is a Facebook ‘like’ grounds for dismissal?

This month brings yet another social media cautionary tale:  the Tribunal case of Blue v Food Standards Agency. The facts were rather unusual. Mr Blue worked for the Food Standards Agency as a meat hygiene inspector. It appears that he happened to join a Facebook discussion, “bantering” with two former colleagues who had been dismissed from […]

Sex discrimination based on unequal paternity/maternity pay

Whilst on the subject of parental leave and pay, it’s worth taking a moment to look at a recent discrimination case brought under the Equality Act 2010.  Additional paternity leave is to be abolished under the SPL system, but the following ruling could still be relevant to the new regime.   In the case of Shuter […]

Shared parental leave – are you prepared for 1st December?

In September, we looked at a new right to unpaid leave to accompany mothers on antenatal visits. We’re now marking 1st of December 2014 in the calendar, as that’s when new statutory provisions on shared parental leave (SPL) will come into force. These rules will entitle new parents to “share a pot of leave” between […]

employment law MATTERS – November 2014

Welcome to the November issue of employment law matters. We start by looking at holiday pay, a story that has captured news headlines over the past few weeks. It will be a difficult time for business, and I sounded a warning note in The Scotsman recently about this “new monster coming over the hill” for […]